Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sex Appeal and Physical Fitness

Because we LOVE to eat and wont diet we spend at least an hour and a half walking every day. Nearly two miles of it is a steep grade. The locals call it heart attack hill. As former runners with arthritic joints, we view the challenge as a way to get a runners high without additional joint damage.

But the other big payoff is we look decades younger than we really are. Our bodies dont have layers of flabby, unattractive fat deposits. A bikini is still possible for me and I dont have to wear Mom jeans. Additionally, my legs with their long, smooth muscles are sexy enough to turn heads everywhere we go. Even our abdominal muscles are tighter.

Walking for exercise has a number of benefits.

1. It helps regulate weight without unpleasant dieting.

2. Walking is good exercise regardless of age.

3. Walking can improve heart health and diabetes. If you did ever have a heart attack, you are much more likely to survive.

4. Endorphins cause the runner high and help alleviate depression. Its also a great time to step away from problems, think more clearly and come up with solutions.

5. Walking is a pleasant way to spend time with your lover and your dog.

6. Losing weight and gaining a leaner, more muscular body can make a big difference in how attractive any body looks.

7. A stronger, healthier body will insure you feel like getting naked and making love.

Your walking goal should be about 4 miles a day (it doesnt have to be all at once), but even a much shorter distance will make you look and feel better. An additional step for sex appeal and body strengthening and shaping is weight training. Lifting weights and weight training will help keep your body strong and attractive into old age. It also raises your metabolism so you loose weight while eating the same amount of food.

Such a big part of physical attraction is essential strength. At least some people who become sexually dysfunctional and/or in need of nursing care at a young age are literally too weak to care for themselves. Like my grandpa used to say, If you sit down, youll freeze up.

Dont freeze up. Get moving and find your sex appeal.

Georgette Pauls knows what it takes to have a successful relationship. Unlike many gurus with multiple failed relationships, Georgette has had a happy romantic relationship for over 25 years. You can find more of her insights into sex appeal at Blog3357
Anny Blog84185

The Changing World Of Online Education

The way we learn is changing faster than ever before. With the Internet, digital libraries and online encyclopedias it seems as if all the worlds information is at our finger tips. This makes learning new things very easy and indeed is changing the way we view knowledge and education. Even traditional schools, colleges, universities and specialty schools are now using online strategies similar to those used in corporate training.

No longer will children with illnesses or injuries be denied their schoolwork, as they can do it all online. Online education has even more uses in such things as Home-Schooling or those wishing to go back and get a degree part-time working at their pace.

As distance learning grows more popular, parents are beginning to consider home education for their children. As the youngest generation grows up online, the future of education looks more digital than ever. Completing a course online gives young students a chance to discover the advantages of distance learning. As a result, more students are prepared for the online format, and more willing to take courses online in college. An online university student can learn something one evening and put their knowledge to work the very next day.

Online educational institutions are growing in number and enrollments because they offer the working class a chance to advance in their careers, develop a higher level of personal confidence, and fulfill life-long dreams.

In the past, working adults weren't able to further their careers because of time restraints; including, but not limited to, working overtime, business travel, and caring for families. Online education takes away those time restraints by offering a completely virtual learning experience.

The Internet is moving well beyond e-mails and e-commerce. Predictions of an Information Age are proving prophetic as the information superhighway carries more and more vehicles transporting ideas opening the door to an education that may have been denied to many. Online education has resulted in thousands of virtual classrooms that offer the possibility for accomplishment and advancement for all.

In an age where everyone and everything is stretched too thin it is refreshing to know that the Internet provides legitimate resources that allow almost anyone to learn about almost anything. You can now feel confident that life and opportunity are not passing you by. Higher education is now available to any person with the drive, the desire and a personal computer.

Whatever your choice, if you have the opportunity to take an online course, do not ignore it. Life is a long-term learning stadium where you are given the tools that other generations would have appreciated.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog84596
Celestia Blog31100

The Seven Deadly Sins of Small Business

Owners and executives must be leaders first and managers second. As leaders our task is first and foremost to be about doing the right things, and the seven deadly sins, should be on the top of your list as leadership issues you are dealing with on a regular basis. Building a small business is one of the most rewarding, but risky ventures one could possibly venture into. Most papers on small business deal primarily with financing and risk management, which are only symptoms of the real issues. Your bank account is just the scorecard of how well you have developed your leadership skills relative to accomplishing the right things.

This paper will help you avoid many of the costly pitfalls of operating a small business, assuming you heed the advice. Avoiding these pitfalls will in turn help you to conserve cash, develop market share, increase sales, improve customer loyalty, increase employee retention and build efficiencies into your operation.

The seven deadly sins include 1) Poor or non-existent business planning; 2) Lack of a strategic objective; 3) Lack of marketing strategies and tactics; 4) Management in the place of leadership; 5) Poor or non-existent systems; 6) Failure to utilize an appropriate leadership style; 7) Care and feeding of sacred cows. Business owners and executives who do not understand them, do not have experience with them and therefore do not appreciate their impact and significance often ignore these critical leadership issues.

Thirty-five years of building and operating small businesses has taught me that most small business problems are not money problems at all, and in fact money is just an indicator that much deeper issues are at play. Beware; the market is a wicked taskmaster, these seven deadly sins are like small doses of poison injected into your operation by the very marketplace you are trying to conquer, and they provide a slow painful death to the naive.

Here are the seven deadly sins in order of priority.

1) Poor Business Planning

Most small businesses do not have even a summary business plan, and of those that do, many are cookie cutter business plans built with the help of a piece of software. At a minimum a business plan should have an executive summary; a company overview with company history and its current status; the companies strategic objective; a description of the companies products and services; a list of the companies intellectual properties including patents, copyrights, trademarks, processes and know-how; a market analysis; a competitive analysis, which includes competitors and their market position, and their strengths and weaknesses; a marketing plan, which includes your marketing strategy, product strategy, sales strategy, and pricing strategy; your customer service plan; sales projections by product, in units, for at least three years; and finally a set of financials which include projected income and balance sheets with a Performa sales forecast.

Here are some other important suggestions and facts related to business planning:

Less than a third of small business startups have a business plan

A business plan does not have to be incredibly detailed for operational purposes

It should be a work in progress updated on a periodic basis

Particular attention should be paid to the marketing plan

A business plan is part of the first fifteen percent of the business development process which will assure the last eight-five percent will go smoothly

The executive summary should be written last, after the rest of the plan is in view.

2) Lack of Strategic Objectives

A business strategy is made up of carefully crafted words making up templates, which in turn act as filters through which all planning, tactics and decisions are passed through before implementation. A strategic objective is therefore, a business strategy developed to guide an organization in meeting business objectives. A strategic objective is developed from the owners vision, passion, core competencies and values for the business. Contact Emerald Business Services or go to our website for a worksheet you can use to develop these critical business development tools.

3) Lack of Marketing Strategies and Tactics

Marketing strategies govern the development of tactics, which in turn provide the actions items contained within your planning process. The most important aspect of your marketing plan is the development of promotion strategies and tactics, which feed your promotion planning and provide you with sales forecasting data. The promotion plan should also detail costs and anticipated unit volume so you can set priorities and provide sales forecasting data.

4) Management in the Place of Leadership

So why is leadership so important in growing a business? Because leadership is about doing the right things, management is about doing things right . In many ways, it is leadership that will grow your business from a sales and a stability perspective, and management that will make, or keep it profitable. Also, consider that the best companies focus ninety percent of their attention on external issues, not internally , leadership is primarily a focus on the external issues.

5) Poor or non-existent Systems

Most people think of computer systems when they hear the word system. But in the since it is used here it means all systems, including the system you use for selecting the right employee, for decision making within a department and so on. One of the more telling statistics in this area is the fact that ninety-four percent of all task or project failures are system failures2. Some of the more common reasons for system failure include:

Islands of automation verses integrated systems

Absent or non-existent policies, procedures and user manuals

Poor training.

6) Lack of Development of Leadership Style

Developing leadership ability has a lot to do with understanding the type of leadership required at different stages of your companys development. There are at least six different leadership styles identified to be effective at different stages of a companys development including; Visionary; Coaching; Affiliative; Democratic; Pacesetting; and Commanding . Understanding which leadership style to employ has been found to significantly increase the effectiveness, growth and heath of the companies in which leaders utilized multiple styles. Just as important is the understanding of what a leaders personal profile is. Armed with these vital bits of information a leader is equipped to pursue the right leadership style for the task at hand.

7) Care and Feeding of Sacred Cows

I do not have a statistic on the amount of money, time and energy expended on the sacred cows lurking in American businesses, but it has to be staggering. This list details some of the types of sacred cows you can look for in your business.

The way we have always done it

The product or service you keep pouring money into because you just know it will take off and be your future, (these are almost never accompanied by market research or even a promotional plan)

Resistance to growth through change

Idleness within the ranks, some experts believe ten percent of the poorest performing people should be let go each year to make room for people with fresh insights and ideas

The company airplane, automobiles, and other perks, which drain company recourses

The dead weight relatives and friends of the family who would be better off elsewhere, act as distractions, and add nothing to your bottom line

The expert that no one can live with, who holds a noose around the companies neck in the form of some expertise or an unwritten code of loyalty.

You could call this business 101, however, most of the issues developed in this paper are rarely taught in schools, much less heeded. These seven deadly sins can impede your companys ability to successfully navigate through the turbulent waters of business development. If you do not understand all the issues summarized in this paper, do the research; find a business advisor to help you navigate these storms , you owe it to yourself, your business and the people who count on you.

Conquering the devil in the details is what management is about, concurring the seven deadly sins of small business is what leadership is all about. The beauty of developing top-level leadership skills is that there is no downside, only opportunity for growth in both your business and your personal development. Leadership is what the entrepreneurial spirit is all about.

Develop your business plan, establish strategic objectives, establish marketing strategies and tactics, lead, build effective systems, utilize more than one leadership style and kill the sacred cows in your business, it might be the only thing that keeps you and your company from becoming another dreadful statistic.


1. article Most Entrepreneurs Start with . . . No Business Plan
2. Demming
3. Peter Drucker
4. Allan Weiss
5. Goleman
6. Keeping everything the same and expecting things to change is at least one definition of insanity
7. Call us at (619)985-0799 for a free consultation

Michael AdamsArlyn Blog63327
Aurlie Blog14673

Paying For Your Online Degree

Making enough money to go to college can be hard, even obtaining an online degree can be difficult to swing financially. While there are many ways that people can pay for an online degree, it is often a hard task to do since college requires study time, and work is something that will certainly eat up hours in your day. It is for this reason that it is important to start thinking about how you will pay for your online degree early in the process. The more you think about making money to pay for your online degree, the easier it will be to get through school without having to take time off to replenish funds. The goal of any institution is to get their students through the program without the students having issues paying for their degree. Most schools have specific programs to help you financially.

The best way to pay for your online degree is in cash at the start of the program. This certainly will avoid distractions. Yet this isnt the method that most people use while attending college. Most cant afford to pay for an online degree all at once. Many students must instead turn to alternative ways to make payments. The only way many people can afford to obtain an online degree is through payment plans, and financial aid, both of which are viable ways to pay for school, especially since an online degree is typically considerably less than that of a traditional university degree.

Financial aid for online degree programs is readily available for students. Students have different needs, and many students will qualify for a financial aid package of some kind. These can include a mix of grants, loans, and scholarships that are all put towards your online degree program. The best part of grants is that the federal government offers this money without requiring repayment; in essence they are paying for a piece of your tuition for the program in order for you to better yourself. Financial aid loans for your online degree are typically structured as federally subsidized loans that will eventually require repayment, but at a much lower interest rate than a traditional loan would require.

Payment plans are another way to pay for your tuition at most online degree programs around the country. There are many different payment plans available to those that wish to pursue this method. Some are more advantageous than others, but most follow a similar standard of financing the college tuition over a period of time, which can make tuition a much easier burden to bear.

While one cant prepare one hundred percent for what college costs will amount to, one can always try to be educated on the variety of ways that they may pay for their college education. It is surely a smart move to research the different financial aid packages, or payment plans. Regardless of your financial status, it is imperative to look into what aid might be available to you. This will save you time and money once your online degree program starts.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many online degree programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Berte Blog7179
Cahra Blog30401

How Employers Lose Their Best People

The constant circle of hiring a batch of young employees, training them, and then having them walk out the door just a few short years later is surprisingly common in today's business world. A new employee comes in, learns the ins and outs of the company, works with customers, and may even have a hand on financial situations. They develop relationships with other co-workers and clients that furthers their knowledge of the workings of the company. After a few years of this, and thousands of dollars in resources and training, the employee gets restless.

One day the employee says to himself or herself, "I've got to get out of here I'm not growing. My ideas are not being considered. I haven't had a performance review in ages. I'm not recognized or appreciated. I'm not being paid what I know I'm worth. There's no consideration given to the dramatic amount of money I'm saving for the company." And thus the company loses another top performer. Only the mediocre employees stick around. What a waste of money and time! Does this sound familiar?

The problem can be fixed from the top. (It probably also started there.) Many organizational managers have found themselves in leadership roles quite by accident. They were top performers on a technical level themselves, and either became supervisors by promotion or by ownership. This does not make them inherently good and productive managers of people. Put corrective action in place!

Make sure the organization has a solid set of job descriptions for all roles in the company, including the top positions. Make sure that performance appraisals are performed on a regular scheduled basis, not just when someone begs for a raise. Document performance carefully, both positive and negative. Be creative, fair, and ethical with rewards and punishment. Not all rewards cost money! People measure success in a variety of ways: growth, environment, and satisfaction. Do you know what motivates your people? Indeed, they may measure success in entirely different ways than expected. Be systematic and organized in communicating with your people. Know the parameters of fair compensation in the marketplace.

Managers need to take a hard look at themselves and their company processes when hoping to retain the best people. The "human assets" are probably one of the most expensive budget items in the operation of the business. Don't invest in them, only to lose that investment through lack of management disciplines. Don't grow 'em, only to throw 'em, away

Susan Reynolds is a senior partner at Newmarket Careers,, a Santa Clarita employment search, career coaching, and resume services firm geared toward managerial, executive, and senior level professional careers. Amalle Blog42553
Aida Blog63178

Target Marketing Your Internet E-Commerce

It is one of the supreme ironies of the Internet that the computer, so long derided as impersonal, is now being used to create highly personal experiences for Web site visitors. Because a computer can sift through vast amounts of existing information according to preprogrammed rules, computers can now take company information (or special interest information) and combine it with information supplied by prospective customers and digest it in a way that is meaningful to each individual.

What are the best ways for businesses to personalize selling and customize products in order to build business. Although many of these methods are still in their infancy, a great deal can be gleaned as to current strategies and technologies and techniques and strategies can be implemented.

To attract new customers, companies can now establish Web sites that provide highly individualized recommendations based on information provided by the customer. In this way, it's possible to tell a prospective customer exactly which product, among a plethora of possibilities, is just right for that individual or that business. The strategic idea behind these efforts is clear: By empowering the customer with information about how a specific offering meets his or her needs, the company positions itself as a knowledgeable place to buy and also demonstrates how its products are just right for that individual customer.

This information, properly used, gives an existing supplier or retailer a clear leg up on the competition: The Company is able to use its information to establish itself as the supplier of choice and to suggest services to existing customers before they request them. Companies can maintain effectively private Web sites for individual clients so that they can both provide extraordinary service and recommend new products that will be of value to these customers.

In the past, this type of personalized communication was virtually impossible: Retailers and suppliers lacked the detailed information necessary to provide these recommendations and the ability to cost-effectively communicate it to individual customers.

However, today we have moved into an era where technology allows firms to cater to the individual needs of customers in a way that have not been possible before. The value of these initiatives, both in tightening the bonds with existing customers and in attracting new customers, is high. Another business tool made possible by the Internet is something that previously was available only to the wealthy: product customization, done quickly and inexpensively.

How are companies making use of several levels of "personal" recommendations ?

In adopting any strategy based on personalization, privacy is a central issue. The ability to make the customer feel comfortable enough to give you the information you need to create a tailored product or solution is among the primary challenges companies must overcome.

1) The Web's ability to help companies establish marketing intimacy is possible because a Web site combines five elements:

2) An opportunity to present information in an interactive format, permitting customers to express their preferences to the owner of the Web site

3) Virtually costless online communications between the potential buyer and seller

4) A visual component that lets potential buyers see prospective purchases and how they would appear if personalized The ability to store tremendous amounts of personal information about their customers

5) An unprecedented ability to create systems that configure products so that costly errors are eliminated, thus reducing the expense of creating custom products

Presently, one-to-one selling can be viewed in two general categories, recommending and customization.

Brick-and-mortar companies have long known that for the most part, either a motivated buyer has done a great deal of research on a particular product, or a product has been enthusiastically recommended by a friend or business associate. This knowledge leads to two keys to establishing a Web site that motivates buying:

Ample information (so that the buyer needn't do any more researchand, in the process, possibly depart your Web site for another)

A positive recommendation.In the past effective recommendations were generally person to person, there are several reasons why these technology-based recommendations are valued now. One has to do with the dizzying array of choices that now faces consumers. A cosmetics firm may offer hundreds of shades of lipstick or eye shadow; financial services companies have become true supermarkets filled with choices; well-known cold remedies now have multiple versions that end with words such as "plus" and "sinus" and "cough."

A generation ago, the dilemma posed by the array of choices was generally solved through one-on-one interaction (selling, if you will). Someone with a cold would have stopped by his or her local pharmacy and chatted with the pharmacist about which of the three or four cold remedies carried by the pharmacy would be best.

Depending on your product and customer, several types of recommending functions may work best. But first, let's take a moment to consider how to judge effectiveness..

Personalization, like any business initiative, should be used judiciously. There are real costs that accompany developing personalized applications: They range from the hard cost of development dollars to the cost of disappointing customers or prospects who expected a better experience. It's important to assess whether a personalization effort will be effective and contribute meaningfully to new sales or customer retention before investing the time and money in bringing it to market.

The criteria for establishing an effective recommendation system are different for every product. The system chosen is dependent upon a balance of the following: (1) the nature of the product, (2) the amount of information needed from the potential buyer to make an effective recommendation, and (3) the likely willingness of the prospective buyer to share this needed information with you.

Will consumers will trust the information they receive from companies on the Web as much as (or more than) they trust sales representatives? All evidence to date suggests the answer is yes. People believe that no trusted brand will risk its good name by posting misleading information on the Web.

As you go about creating an online recommendation system, your overriding goal should be to make the online shopping experience better than what a customer might encounter in the physical world. Therefore, you need to ask yourself: "What can my company accomplish using this medium that can't be accomplished in the physical world?"

Payment issues online seemed to have been taken care of by the credit card companies as a matter of routine.

What about issues of privacy? Consider gathering data anonymously. Recommendation systems that provide advice to consumers anonymously are likely to be far more popular and, therefore, more effective. In these cases, you are able to provide the prospective buyer with value without needing to jump the hurdle of "you can trust me with this information."

If you'd prefer to record the identities of site visitors, you are one step ahead if you are a recognized brand. Consumers are already predisposed to believe in your company name. In this case, address the privacy issue head-on with a statement that precedes your online registration form: "The information gathered here is to help us better serve you; we will not share or sell this information to anyone."

Finally, if you plan to share customer data with others, then you need to be explicit about it and receive the customer's permission. The worst thing you can do is fail to inform the customer that some piece of information you determine about him or her may be used in some way the customer does not expect.

Product customization is possible because of a convergence of two elements: the Web as a one-to-one communications technology and manufacturing processes that allow for the development and delivery of custom products.

Designing your own custom desktop computer at Web sites such as Dell has become "commonplace," but what about designing your own swimsuit or, perhaps, golf clubs? These customized services provide several valuable benefits for companies: (1) They help to drive new business, and (2) customers are willing to pay a premium price for an individually designed product, which means these products and services sometimes have higher profit margins than standard offerings.

The ability to interact with customers and say, "I can create the product that is just right for you," is one of the most powerful features of the Web. Expansion of this Internet capability will be the inevitable result of the combination of (1) manufacturers creating products that permit increasing customization, (2) further advances in computing power at ever decreasing costs, and (3) new software that is continuously enhancing the options available to businesses to personalize.

Smart companies realize that the more involved the relationship becomes with the customer, the better their rate of retention. They are implementing this strategy in a wide variety of creative ways, involving both personalization and customization, and will certainly enhance their applications significantly over time:

1). Companies are creating extraordinary convenience for customers and establishing systems to speed the fulfillment of custom orders.

2). E-mail communications and reminder systems are going to be used increasingly.

The ultimate goal of every business is to have a customer who wants to hear from the business about new products that he or she might want to buy. E-mail, for the first time, provides this type of powerful tool, since it's an almost costless communications vehicle.

3). In business-to-business selling, smart companies are also linking tightly to their customers.

Leading-edge technology companies are offering custom password-protected Web sites for their corporate accounts and high-volume small business accounts. These sites are typically designed to simplify the buying process, and they offer

(1) customer online malls offering products preselected by the company to be bought by employees at volume discount prices,

(2) electronic mail links to account managers responsible for serving that customer,

(3) the ability to track the status of orders, and

(4) dramatic increases in the speed of order fulfillment through the elimination of paper forms and a reduction in errors.

This is a clear way of providing customers with additional value and of tying the customer more closely to your company. Most companies will also see an increase in revenues from these accounts.

What was called for, of course, was a new category of employee: "e-mail respondents"; yet no one wanted to add staff at an additional expense to a project that was in its infancy.

Enter "response software."

Several intelligent software systems, are able to routinely handle and route questions, so there is no excuse for underserving your customers with the first and most basic customer serviceanswering their questions.

Companies who are successfully managing their e-mail via electronic means are also taking the opportunity to benefit from the Knowledge they glean.Companies are finally transforming their Web sites from marketing brochures to vehicles that turn visits into sales leads. Those who develop a Web presence and fail to respond to electronic inquiries in a timely manner run the risk of losing existing and new customers.

Industry research also shows that only 30 percent of Fortune 500 companies respond to questions directed to these companies through their Web sites, which means a large number of customers aren't getting the personal attention winning companies need to provide.

As you consider the possibilities offered by personalization and customization, I suggest that these initiatives be weighed against these criteria: Will the initiative enhance relationships with my customers by adding convenience or a better ability to meet their needs?Will the initiative result in potentially high cost-savings for my organization Will intelligent product configuration eliminate and reduce costly order errors and help to target vital marketing efforts directed at the customer base entity?

Mr. William Z. PikerBrier Blog91554
Calypso Blog6285

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Tuscany Region

If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Tuscany region of central Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that youll have fun on this fact-filled wine education tour.

Tuscany is located on the central western part of Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It gets its name from an Etruscan tribe that settled the area about three thousand years ago. It has belonged to the Romans, the Lombards, and the Franks. More than four hundred years ago under the Medicis, Tuscany became a major European center. It is undoubtedly one of Italys top tourist destinations as well as an ideal place for your villa when you hit it big, really big. According to one Seinfeld episode there are no villas to rent in Tuscany, but that was several years ago. On the other hand, time in Tuscany as elsewhere in Italy is measured in centuries. Tuscanys total population is about 3.5 million.

Florence is the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and the administrative center of Tuscany. It is one of Italys top tourist destinations, whose sites of interest are too numerous to list here. Siena and Pisa are two other major tourist destinations.

Tuscany is a center of industrial production, in particular metallurgy, chemicals, and textiles. Given the regions importance as an international art center for centuries, dont be surprised that it is an excellent place to appreciate and purchase fashion, jewelry, leather goods, marble, and other items of beauty. Florence is the home of the house of Gucci.

Tuscany produces a wide variety of cereal, olives, vegetables, and fruit. But not only vegetarians eat well. It is home to cattle, horses, pigs, and poultry. One local specialty is wild boar. On the coast, seafood is abundant.

Tuscany devotes over one hundred fifty thousand acres to grapevines, it ranks 4th among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 58 million gallons, giving it an 8th place. About 70% of the wine production is red or ros, leaving 30% for white. The region produces 44 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine and 7 DOCG white wine. The G in DOCG stands for Garantita, but there is in fact no guarantee that such wines are truly superior. The region produces 9 DOC wines. Tuscany also produces Super Tuscan wines, wines that may not have a prestigious classification but that are known to be outstanding. These wines are arguably the main reason that Italy was forced to revise its wine classification system. Fully 55% of Tuscan wine carries the DOC or DOCG designation. And remember, many of Tuscanys best wines carry neither designation. Tuscany!

is home to more than three dozen major and secondary grape varieties, about half white and half red.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Trebbiano, Malvasia, and Sauvignon Blanc. The best-known strictly Italian white varieties are Vermentino and Vernaccia.

Widely grown international red grape varieties include Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. The best-known Italian red variety is Sangiovese, which is grown elsewhere, including California. A strictly Italian variety is Canaiolo.

Before reviewing the Tuscan wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.

Start with Panzanella, Bread and Tomato Salad.

For a second course, eat or share a Bistecca alla Fiorentina, (Texas-sized) Beef Steak.

If you have room, indulge in a Torta Rustica, Cornmeal Cake with Cream.

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed

Badia a Coltibuono Chianti Classico 2004 12.8% alcohol about $21

Ill start by quoting the marketing materials. A wine that would complement a veal chop or game birds, expect aromas of cranberry and cherry. On the palate, it should be round and ripe with enough tannin for balance. As a point of interest, the label included the warning contains sulphites in ten languages.

I first tasted this wine with slow-cooked boneless beef ribs and potatoes accompanied by a spicy commercial Turkish salad. The wine was thick, loaded with plum and cherry flavors, and some tobacco. The tannins were moderate. Dessert was a cocoa cake whose label said strudel. The wine went well, its fruit really came out.

I next tasted the Chianti Classico with slow-cooked meat balls, cauliflower and chickpeas in a tomato sauce, and potato wedges. The wine was plumy and powerful, with very pleasant tannins, a little tobacco and a little earth. Just so you know, Im not usually partial to tannins. The wine was so round that I enjoyed finishing the glass when the food was gone. No dessert this time.

I decided to follow the distributors suggestion and grilled a veal chop with a mixture of spices (minced onion, cayenne, and a bit of curry powder), accompanied by grilled eggplant slices with the same spices, and a commercially prepared Turkish salad, based on red pepper and tomato. The wine bounced nicely off the delicious somewhat fat, somewhat rare meat. It didnt add flavors of its own, but accompanied the foods flavors excellently. It was powerful, but not overpowering.

As its name indicates, Pecorino Toscano cheese comes from Tuscany, where it has been made from sheeps milk for thousands of years. The cheese is moderately strong smelling and has a complex nutty flavor. The wine was smooth and round and had a pleasant tinge of tobacco. Just for the record I am not a smoker. In the presence of Asiago cheese from the Trentino-Alto Adige region of northern Italy, the wine became more robust.

I remember when Chianti came in straw-covered bottles. In fact, I remember the bottles more than the wine itself. But times have changed. This Chianti Classico was excellent, quite deserving of its top-of-the-line DOCG classification and well worth the price.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is Blog72498
Bellanca Blog68305

Why You Need Auto Insurance...

As the population continues to grow, more cars and drivers hit the highways. With so many vehicles on the road, crashes are inevitable. Automobile Insurance can be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major hassle. But why do you need insurance and just how much should you buy?

Auto insurance is required by law in all states and protects you by paying for damage or injury you cause others while driving your car; damage to your car or injury to you or your passengers in your car from a crash; and certain other occurrences such as theft and vandalism. Without insurance, you risk having to pay the full cost of any harm you cause others with your vehicle.

Coverage requirements vary by state, but usually include the following:

Liability: It pays for damages due to bodily injury and property damage to others for which you are responsible. Bodily injury damages include medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Property damage includes damaged property and loss of use of property. State laws usually mandate minimum amounts, but higher amounts are available and usually recommended.

Personal Injury Protection: This is required in many states. It pays you or your passengers for medical treatment resulting from a crash, regardless of who may have been at fault, and is often called no-fault coverage. It may also pay for lost earnings, replacement of services and funeral expenses. State law usually sets minimum required amounts.

Medical Payments: This coverage is available in some states (usually the states without no-fault insurance), and pays regardless of who may have been at fault. It pays for an insured person's reasonable and necessary medical and funeral expenses for bodily injury from a crash.

Collision: This pays for damage to your car caused by collision.

Comprehensive: This pays for damage to your car caused by "Other Than Collision"; including fire, wind, hail, vandalism and animal strikes.

Uninsured Motorist: This pays damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have liability insurance or by a hit and run driver.

Underinsured Motorist: This pays damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have enough liability insurance to cover the full amount of the damages.

Auto insurance premiums vary widely from company to company and will depend on several factors, including:

What coverage's you select; The make and model of the car that you drive, your driving record, your age, sex, and marital status and where you live.

Many people think of auto insurance as a necessary evil that can save your financial well being. Evaluate your needs, do your research and make the decision that best suits you.

Peter AndruesAilyn Blog9682
Ashlan Blog77277

Taking Advantage Of Your Concierge In Cancun

Travelers often dismiss concierges as meaningless middlemen. Yet, when vacationing in Cancun, your hotel concierge can supply you a world of information and opportunity. These jacks-of-all-trades can be found at most resorts and know Cancun as well as anyone. While some concierges may have more valuable connections than others, any one of these hotel professionals can provide invaluable tips for your stay. Best of all, their assistance and advice are free of charge.

When in Cancun, youll obviously be in search of unique recreation and entertainment opportunities. To access the best this exotic destination has to offer, ask your concierge for assistance setting up special activities for your vacation. Whether you want to go scuba diving or snorkeling with Cancuns premier dive masters, take a private tour of ancient Mayan ruins or play a round at one of Cancuns exclusive golf resorts, your concierge is the best ticket to the finest attractions.

Keep in mind concierges are paid to be the ultimate Cancun insiders. They attend museum exhibits, dine at the finest restaurants and frequent the exclusive clubs, all for the sake of telling you what's worth your time and money. Along the way, they develop business relationships that offer hard-to-find tickets, reservations and discounts. As a result, restaurants are more likely to accommodate concierges from high-profile resorts for last-minute reservations or special accommodations than the average tourist.

When asking about restaurants, it pays to be specific. Suggest a location, view, price range or cuisine to ensure your concierge knows exactly what youre looking for. The same goes for any request you make of your concierge in Cancun, anything from shopping for the perfect gift to locating a doctor or babysitter. The more information you provide the concierge, the more they will be able to help.

Your concierge can also serve as a travel agent - confirming flights, changing seat assignments, securing visas and boarding passes, even planning entire vacations. Concierges can even act as personal assistants, running errands like delivering business materials and picking up needed supplies.

Just as important as those perks, a good concierge will serve as an instructor of local customs and etiquette, letting you how to dress at the beach or the best way to experience the nightlife. Your concierge will also be up to date on events and festivals in Cancun and can suggest the best times to visit certain attractions.

Like every other travel detail, the best travel tip regarding the concierge remains the ability to plan and organize. To take full advantage of the possibilities outlined above, your relationship with the hotel concierge should begin well before checkin. Though many travelers arent aware of this fact, you can call the concierge up to one month before you arrive to discuss any of the objectives for your trip, be it business or pleasure. With such advance notice, your concierge can make all of your arrangements and appointments and even grant you a detailed hourly itinerary when you arrive. An advance call to the concierge is also the best way to ensure a table at a popular restaurant or a ticket to a sold-out event. While a concierge can often use his connections to make a last-minute reservation, the more time you allow the better.

Calling in advance can also qualify you for special pricing at your hotel. The concierge will know about seasonal specials the resorts dont advertise, in addition to discount opportunities for dining and sightseeing.

As mentioned, concierge services are free. However, introducing yourself and offering a $20 gratuity at the beginning of your vacation is a good idea if you plan on making several requests. As a general rule, a tip of $5 is acceptable for dinner or entertainment reservations. A tip up to $100 might be in order if the concierge developed your itinerary or exhibited truly exceptional service. Furthermore, when you return to the resort, the concierge will certainly remember you and be prepared to serve again.

This article was written by Justin Burch. Justin writes select pieces about travel in Mexico for the CasaMagna Marriott Cancun Resort. Blog98240
Alicia Blog35456

Building An Email List Of 1 Million Subscribers

Back in December 2002, I attended my very first Internet marketing seminar. That seminar was sponsored by Dr. Bob Silber, and I attended because Dr. Silber invited me to be a speaker. Rumors had spread of how well I was doing in "Internet marketing" with a lead product of "a soul food cookbook" - of all things.

My presentation was on niche marketing, and was very well-received. That seminar also opened my eyes to how willing other marketers are to share their experience and knowledge with you... if you let them.

At that seminar Jonathan Mizel, Frank Garon, Fred Gleeck, Armand Morin, Marty Foley, Ramon Williamson, Bob Silber, and several others gave me so many ideas that I though my head would explode. Many of the tips that they gave me are still very applicable today, and add substantially to my bottom-line. One tip pertaining to having the perfect backend in place will make me a small fortune this year.

When I first released my cookbook, I struggled with the perfect backend product for cookbook buyers. Now, I know that the perfect backend product is other cookbooks! So, the backend system for that website that I shared back in 2003 is now an endless procession of incredible cookbooks. The latest one that I've added to my line-up is a cookbook by the private cook of the late Alex Haley. This guy is such a great cook that Alex insisted he do the cooking when he had such distinguished guest over as Oprah Winfrey, Sidney Poitier, Governor Lamar Alexander, and countless other politicians, celebrities, and friends.

That ONE tip, picked up at my first seminar, lead me to eventually adding Dave Frank's "Foods Of The Southland" cookbook to my line-up, and I hope to move hundreds of thousands of copies of that cookbook eventually. Incidentally, you can grab a copy of that cookbook today at:

After that first seminar was over, I sat around in the hotel lobby talking to fellow speaker Ramon Williamson, who would eventually become a mentor. As Ramon and I talked, one of the seminar attendees, whom I didn't know, walked up to us. Ramon recognized this guest and invited both of us up to his suite for a late-night brainstorming session.

That guest was John Reese, whose marketing genius I would really grow to appreciate. John Reese, you may remember really sprang on the scene when his "Traffic Secrets" course sold over $1 million worth of product in 18 hours.

Ramon, John and I talked until 4am. They did most of the talking as I sat in awe at their LEVEL of thinking. John mentioned that one of his long-term goals was to build a mailing list of over 1 million subscribers. I couldn't see that as even being possible!

John explained that when you're having trouble paying your rent, it's difficult to imagine earning $100,000 per year. However, to the person making $100k, it's easy to "see" making $200k. To the person making $500k, it's easy to imagine $1 million. As I reflected upon the truth in what John was saying I underwent a radical shift in my thinking right there... that night... in that hotel room.

That was December 2002. By April 2003 I was in the midst of hosting my very own Internet marketing seminar. That was four months from attending my very first, to hosting a live seminar!

I detail a lot of the transformation that occurred in my thinking and in my habits in my biography, "Git Off The Porch." I wrote that book in response to a challenge issued by Ramon. The challenge was to go from idea to a print book in three months or less. I did it, and you'll find that book at:

Today, I sit writing this article... on the beach in beautiful Navarre, Florida. I often go to the beach and sit in a shaded pavilion and work. I can do that since all I really need is my trusty laptop, and my Verizon Wireless Card. With that card plugged into my laptop, I can actually surf the internet or answer email from anywhere that I'm within range of a cell phone tower. I've even done it while driving down the interstate... my wife was actually driving. To me, that proves that so many things that many people consider only "dreams" are possible!

As I write and reflect upon the possibilities, I thought I'd share with you one of my goals. That goal is the same one that John Reese shared back in December 2002. I have a plan for building an email database of over 1 million subscribers. I'm doing it in phases, and will actually have several niche lists or sub-lists. When broken down as I have it mapped out, it's no longer such a major challenge!

My short-term goal is to add 100,000 new subscribers to my list by December 31st, 2007. Actually that's 100,000 new subscribers more than I would get from what I was doing before I implemented my master plan.

Building this relatively large list will involve using a number of techniques... some very simple, and others somewhat innovative. One of the simplest ones I've actually already shared with the world in a special report that I wrote called, "How I Boosted My Ezine Sign-Up Rate By 5200 MORE Subscribers Per Month - Virtually Overnight - And You Can Too!"

That short special report is at:

The reason that I can, and will, build a list of over 1 million subscribers is largely because I give myself permission to do so. The transformation in thinking brought on by the conversation with John and Ramon back in 2002 now allows me to see that anything is possible. Knowing that it is possible ends the procrastination in getting started on a task. Knowing what is possible if you just put in the proper effort also completely cures you of "excusitis."

You may even wonder if a goal of 1 million subscribers is worth pursuing. In the niches that I operate in, I earn an average of between $1 and $3 per month for every subscriber on my lists. So, for me, YES, it's a very worthwhile goal :-)

NO - money isn't everything, but it does enable you to accomplish many bigger goals. My ultimate goals actually center around helping more people reach their dreams, but that's a topic for another time. I'll close by issuing a challenge. Identify one of your goals today, and use your magnificently powerful brain to figure out HOW to reach it! It doesn't have to be building a huge list. However, many of the people that I deal with regularly use the excuse of, "I have no list" as a reason for not being able to grow their businesses faster. Many of them have been using that same excuse for 3-5 years. I contend that it's time that they stop!

What do you think?

Willie Crawford has taught thousands how to build successful online businesses since late-1996. His membership site contains over 40 interviews of leading online marketers sharing their views on "How To Break Into The Internet Marketing Inner Circle." You can access those powerful and shocking interviews at: Blog83065
Breanne Blog5400

Stop Wasting Money On Higher Cooling Bills!

If you could put more money in your pocket, this summer, would you? Well, you can, by lowering your cooling bill. Chances are, it's higher than it needs to be. You'll be surprised at what you can save. No sacrifice required. Check out these quick and easy maintenance tips that can put you on your way to lower bills in no time.

Quick Facts About Your Central AC

Your central air conditioning (AC) system circulates cool air through your house through supply and return ducts (often the same ducts used for heat in the winter). A typical central AC system has an evaporator, condenser and compressor in a single cabinet located outside the house (usually on a concrete slab right next to it), or alternately, a condenser and compressor outside and an evaporator in a separate cabinet, inside (usually in the basement or crawl space). Both systems have a blower that forces indoor air through the coil of the evaporator where it's cooled, dehumidified, and sent through the ductwork into the house. The heat collected by the evaporator is transferred to the condenser (outside) to dissipate.

Change the Air Filter

This is the most important thing you can do to help keep your system working at peak efficiency. The air moving across the evaporator is cleaned before it gets there by a filter located in the return air duct (usually within easy reach in a wall or ceiling, or at the air conditioner itself). Filters get dirty and clogged through regular use; the dirtier they get, the less air gets through the system. The dirty air that gets through is carried right to the evaporator. Dirt sticking to the evaporator coil further impedes air flow, reduces the evaporator's ability to absorb heat and can reduce your system's efficiency by as much as 10 percent. Not to mention, that dirty air is circulated right back through your house.

Air filters are made by a number of manufacturers and come in a variety of types and efficiencies.

* Most residential systems use 1-inch or 2-inch flat or pleated fiberglass "throwaway" filters (thicker filters may hold more dust but are not necessarily more efficient).

* There are also "permanent" type filters: mesh, electrostatic and electronic, some with pre-filters that collect larger dust particles.

* If you or a family member suffers with allergies or sensitivity to dust or other particulates (i.e., tobacco smoke, pollen or pet dander), consider using a High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter, also known as a HEPA filter. These are specially constructed filters that allow a high volume of air to pass through them while stopping even very tiny particles.

* If you have any question about the right filter for your system, don't guess; check with a professional service technician.

Whatever type of air filter you use, inspect it and either clean it or replace it about once a month during peak cooling season or more often if you're living in dusty conditions or with pets. Never run your system without the filter in place.

Clean Evaporator Coils and Fins

Even if you regularly change your air filter, dirt will still accumulate on the evaporator over time. Check your evaporator coils at least once a year and clean them if necessary, using a vacuum cleaner with brush attachment, careful not to bend the fins.

Clean Condenser Coils and Fins

Condenser coils and fins (outside) are also vulnerable to dirt - from debris and leaves falling from trees, cut grass kicked up by the lawnmower, and lint from a nearby dryer vent - so, check the condenser unit at the beginning of the cooling season. Cut the power to the unit and use the following checklist:

* Gently remove any debris from top and sides.

* Sweep the concrete pad.

* Prune back any overhanging leaves (2 feet is the minimum recommended clearance; 5 feet overhead).

* Use a soft brush to sweep the fins.

* (Optional) Spray the fins with a gentle household cleaner; let it sit for 5 minutes, then gently hose them down pointing the spray into the interior through the fan opening.

* Keep the unit free of dirt and debris throughout the season.

* If you can shade your unit (without blocking airflow), even better: the shaded air around your system will be cooler, and a properly shaded system can operate up to 10 percent more efficiently over the course of the season.

Keeping your evaporator and condenser coils free of dirt and debris can improve your system's performance by as much as 10 percent. Just be careful with those fins. They're a little fragile and easily bent. It's best to use a special tool called a fin comb to straighten them. Those are available through your local home center or online. Be sure to buy the correct comb for the number of fins per inch your unit has.

Other Simple Steps to Savings

* Anything that obstructs the flow of air through your system reduces its efficiency and drives up your bill -- keep your registers clear of furniture, drapes and other obstructions.

* Keep all exterior doors and windows closed when operating the system.

* Raise your temperature setting. Raising the setting even 1 degree can lower your bill by as much as 9 percent over the course of the season.

* Keep your system set on "AUTO" and let your thermostat do its job. If you find you need to run the fan constantly to keep cool, it's time to call a technician.

* Set your system to recirculate the indoor air (if you have the option) rather than drawing outside air. Conditioning the warmer outside air takes far more energy than simply recirculating the already conditioned household air.

* A little money spent could equal a lot of money saved: have a qualified service technician check your system at least once a year. The technician will measure your refrigerant to see if it needs recharging, inspect your coils, measure air flow over the cooling coil, and will do a thorough inspection of the motor, compressor, air handler, and ducts (and of course, the air filter). The technician can spot potentially costly problems early or help you avoid them entirely.

For Owners of Older Houses

If you're still using a central air conditioning system manufactured during the 1970s, you're likely using 30-50 percent more energy than a more recently manufactured unit would use. Even if your unit is only ten years old, replacing it with a new, more efficient unit can save you 20-40 percent in cooling costs. Over the life of the unit, that's considerable savings, especially with energy costs continuing to rise.

Liz Pauley is a staff writer for at, a website devoted to owners of ranch style houses, old and new.Andriette Blog56677
Bibbye Blog31086

Discover Online Discount Coupon Codes - Why Pay Retail!

Clever Internet shoppers continue to improve their search tactics of the broad directory of online retailers with the focus of finding the best price on the product or service they are interested in purchasing. At the same time, online retailers are doing their best to bring those shoppers to their store. How you ask? With online discount coupon codes. Countless premier online retailers, travel companies, and merchants providing consumer services, grant coupon promotional codes to online partners (advertisers) to place on their web site for their visitors.

So where do you find a web site that will provide you with a direct link to all of these discounts? The discount coupons will often be hosted on partner web sites as a method of advertising for the store or retailer. The coupon links may offer either a percentage off the sale price, free shipping, a free gift with purchase or in some cases, a combination of all.

Discount coupons for "free shipping" can save the shopper a generous amount of money for shopping directly with the retailer's warehouse location as compared with shopping traditional brick and mortar stores. In other words, they pass the handling savings onto you!

"Percentage off" promo codes can be as high as 50%, with deals such as $25 off a $50 purchase. Almost all online retailers have a space to enter a promotion or discount coupon code generally during the final check-out process.

So how do I shop with online coupon codes? Launch your favorite search engine directory and execute a search for the specific coupon you are looking for, i.e., "merchant name + coupon code or promo code". There will be thousands of results, so it is up to you to access which coupon offers are current. Bookmark those web sites which offer up-to-date discounts for future shopping and for sharing the coupon site with your family and friends.

After you find the coupon you would like to use, click on the link provided and shop the merchant's site. Take note, if a coupon code is provided with the link, you will need to enter this code during the final steps at check-out. If there is no code provided, then the discount is embedded in the link and will be applied automatically for you. Coupon offers are subject to change and can expire at anytime. Verify that the savings have been applied to the shopping cart before finalizing your purchase.

Online promotions and discount coupon codes will often change weekly with most offers changing monthly. Holidays, special occasions, i.e. the beginning of the school year, will increase the number of online coupon offers available on partner sites and often prompt other merchants whom rarely offer online incentives to review their current promotions and advertising strategies. The months of October, November, and December are also the busiest shopping months of the year, so expect an increase in coupon code offers and promotions.

Always look on your favorite partner site for new discounts before you complete that next online purchase, and remember to share those sites and savings with your family and friends.

Sharon Roof is an IT Specialist and founder of 1Stopmarketplace. For up-to-date online promotions for hundreds of merchants, travel partners, and consumer services, visit Coupon code offers are updated daily.Annabella Blog43156
Bobine Blog17327

Top Credit Repair Tips

If you're working hard at your job every day, but still face financial concerns, such as bad credit, then you may be interested in getting a credit repair tip or two. Every day there are thousands of people just like you who are dealing with bad credit problems, so youre not alone.

There are many different kinds of resources that help you to find out more information and access the credit repair tip you need to make good on your credit. The first place youd start is doing a basic search on the Internet through Google or Yahoo. Once you do the search, youll find thousands of sites that offer all kinds information on how to help solve your credit problems.

The most obvious tip is to make sure that you pay your bills. Of course, thats easier said than done, but what if you could work out a new payment plan with your creditors? One excellent credit repair tip is to try to figure out a way to work out smaller payments that you can actually afford, even if it is just 5 pounds a month.

Another credit repair tip is to get a copy of your credit report. Lenders look at the length of your established credit. You could hire a company to help and guide you through the steps of repairing it, or you can do it yourself for free. Of course, it may take some time and thought, but in the end you can have peace of mind knowing that you have done your home work and that things are done correctly.

An additional credit repair tip is to look at your credit report and check it for accuracy.

You can get in touch with Experian and get a copy of your credit report for a small fee. Then you want to look over your credit report and analyse the information that is included in it. Check to see if there are any default notices against you. Sometimes you may find that there are companies on your credit report that youve never even heard of, and that you have not had any dealings with.

Often, you could be denied credit due to errors and mistakes on the report that are no fault of your own. When you do spot errors, write to the agency and get in touch with whoever put the information on your report. You may even have to write to your lender directly to solve this problem.

If you are having difficulties getting errors fixed on your report, you have a legal right to contact the Data Protection Commissioner.

Next, look at your accounts with different lenders. Note the length of time you have them. Pay the ones that you can. Other lenders look at how long youve had an active account. This can work in your favour.

Another credit repair tip is to open a credit account if all of the ones you already have are closed and pay on time. This will help your ratings tremendously. With due diligence and dedication, along with this credit repair tip information, you'll soon see your credit become good as new.

Michael Sherriff has produced a product called UK Credit Secrets which shows you exactly how to repair your own credit history instead of paying someone 100's to do it for you. This product is unbiased and unique in the UK. Find out more at Blog33544
Ame Blog41246

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Logo And Paying The Right Price

When it comes to the world of business, one concept that remains unbeaten is that you must have a unique selling proposition. That makes you stand out from the crowd. Another simple concept that can drive your business to success is branding.

The first concept of having a unique selling proposition is straight forward. If your company doesnt have something unique which separates it from the competition, then your not going to survive for a long time.

The second concept of branding is a little more tricky and involves creating more awareness about your company through the use of a brand name, such as Coca Cola and even more important a logo to represent your company.

Logos are very important when it comes to branding, and I cant stress that enough. If you want more people to know about your company, what better way is there than to have an attractive logo that portrays your company? Most of the successful brands found in the markets today, succeeded mainly due to a logo that creates a lasting impression in peoples minds.

Nike, Puma and Adidas are among the most popular sports brands in the world today. The reason again is that well crafted, little logo such as a tick used by Nike which caught on really well with the consumers. Now every time you think of a sports brand, the first thing that comes to mind is one of the three above mentioned brands.

Coca Cola is another successful example. The mere mentioning of the word soft drink, triggers the minds of most people to remember that over advertised Coca Cola logo. That is how powerful logos are, and not just any logos, well designed logos, which expose the company in some way into the minds of people. This brings up the second point; who do you hire and, how much do you pay?

Thats a trick question, and it really all depends on two main factors which are:

1-Your budget

2-The level of success your willing to take your business to

First of all analyze your budget. Know how much you can spend on an expert to design you a logo. You dont want to overspend and end up with no money to market and advertise your business. What you want is to grow your business. And getting a catchy logo designed by a professional is the thing you need to consider once your business is profitable and should come as a way to further grow your business brand.

The second point, which is, the level of success you are willing to take your business to, should be planned as part of your initial business plan. So ideally, if you want to grow your business and your brand, then you must be aware about this.

Once you have determined where your business is headed to, then you must know the right person to hire. Again do this accordingly to your set budget. A few points to keep in mind are:

-Cheaper doesnt necessarily mean better

-You must be able to communicate with the designer

-You must be able to connect with the designer so that you get the result you want

-Check the previous portfolio of work done by the designer (this alone can separate the professionals from the beginners)

-Make sure the designer you hire is creative and original with ideas, without you having to dictate everything.

So choose an appropriate designer with a good reputation rather, pay well and remember you get what you pay for.

Julia Raven specialises in Writing Articles about, Graphic Design and Outsourcing. She also maintains a where you can get the complete List of Logo Designers in 1 place.Carroll Blog29095
Biddy Blog62432

What Makes A Great Coarse Fishing Lake?

Coarse fishing is available in a range of waters from canals and rivers to natural and man-made lakes. In many parts of the country, people have established their own coarse fishing lakes to provide a private, peaceful place to fish.

There are hundreds of places across the UK where you can indulge your passion for coarse fishing, but some are better than others. There are three main things that make any coarse fishing lake stand out from the competition:

1. Location

The size and location of the lake is a crucial factor. Too small and you cant fill it with enough stock to keep anglers happy. Too big and the fish can be very hard to catch. A good angling lake is the right size to hold a good, healthy stock of fish, whilst having the bank space to allow each angler a secluded, private spot. Most private lakes are in the countryside, which provides a peaceful place for coarse anglers to perfect their skills.

2. Stock

The range of fish in the lake is also important. Coarse anglers like to test their skills on a range of fish, which all have different movement and feeding habits. Ideally, a coarse fishing lake should be stocked with species such as:


These fish can be different sizes and weights, increasing the sport for anglers. Some clubs or landowners provide more than one lake at the same location, which allows them to vary the stock, or keep one lake aside for particularly large fish or for competition use.

3. Price

Coarse anglers want value for money. Most lakes charge a day or half-day price, which is either per rod or per space. If youre a very keen angler and you want to set up two or three different rods during the day, you may have to pay a fee for each. Alternatively, you may just need to pay for your space or peg the part of the lake allocated to you for fishing that day. Some private lakes may also make a membership charge or require you to join a club before you can fish. Take a good look at the prices that the lake charges and look for any hidden extras before you make a booking.

To really enjoy your coarse fishing experience, find a well-stocked lake thats the size and price that suits you.

Dog Lane Fishery operates three coarse fishing lakes in the beautiful Warwickshire countryside. Visit our website now by clicking Blog33676
Anna Maria Blog20405

How to Double Your Sales Appointments in Half the Time; Part 2

Why is Setting Sales Appointments a Critical Sales Performance Competency and How Do You Build a Prospecting System to Set More Sales Appointments in Less Time?
By Jeff Hardesty

In Part 1, we summarized that you may have the best service in the world and the best widget in its category. But if you can't physically get in front of your targeted business prospects on a routine basis you wont meet your revenue objectives.

And we discussed these (3) realities:

If you double your new appointments you will double your revenue... regardless of your closing ratio

Not setting enough new business appointments leads to Sales employee turnover, sub-par revenue results and longer Ramp-to-Quota for new hires

The communication act of asking for a Business appointment should be internally declared a KEY sales competency and trained to individually

So logically, sales organizations should be willing to develop and provide Best Practice support systems to their sales teams for Measurable performance results in line with effectively setting sales appointments.

Why is a Conversation-to-Appointment Ratio a core sales competency?

Because its a sales skill set that is measurable around an essential task; sales prospecting and setting business appointments. It has a purpose and is directly tied to the end results; good or bad.

In this case, it is to introduce and education the value of your product or service to a specific individual or group. It initiates your selling process. It doesn't matter if you are having this conversation by telephone, cold-calling in person, on elevators, or just yelling from one rooftop to another; it is a communication skill set that is essential to your sales success. Its what you say and how you say it.

Here are a few prerequisites of whether or not something should be declared a core competency:


Is it an essential component to the sales mission or is it just an ingredient in the recipe?

Think of a sports person. What are a golfer's essential competencies from tee-off to last putt? Are the ball and club core competencies? Or are the core competencies the golf swing and putting stroke?

How about a basketball player with the essential competencies of passing, dribbling, and shooting?

Hint: Don't relate an Indy car pit crew putting gas in the fuel tank as a competency.


You must be able to be measure it routinely and accurately. Ask yourself if you could measure it with a napkin, pencil, and calculator?

That way youll be able to know if you're performing this business activity better than your competitors.
It's sort of like knowing if your team is "Blocking and Tackling" better than your opponent's team in a football game.

Because at the end of the day, its the individual (Or the team) with the best overall stats that wins.


You should be able to apply "Timely Training" and "Powerful Routines" around each core competency.

We all know what sales training is. But do we understand why sales training fails?

And to understand thisit becomes important to understand what I mean when I use the term"Timely Training."

Timely Training means you have in place appropriate structures for learning and application. You have to be able to define useful short-term goals, long term objectives and performance benchmarks, but also measure each participants progress. Have participants work closely with qualified trainers for proper follow-up and support.

But most importantly"Timely Training" should be focused on only one key sales competency at a time.

That means you never move on to your next training objective (In-line sales competency) until your intended benchmark performance metric is realized.

"Powerful Routines" are Best Practices internal to each Core Competency that result in the highest ratio of success. Its a technique or communication process that through experience has proven to get the best result parallel to a particular sales scenario.

As an example, when a prospect says Just send me some information we identify that communication as an objection. 95% of the time its a polite way of getting rid of us. Deep down inside we know what happens to the information. It goes in the circular file. Bottom line, it keeps both the Post Office and the office Janitor busy. One delivers these 'information requests' and the other one throws them out.

Whats your current Powerful Routine to effectively communicate to a third solution, because none of us want to be in the Postal Business.

Key Learning Point:

There are only so many scenarios in any sales process. If you isolate them, train to each one of them with Powerful Routines and then measure the outcome, you are on your way to success.

Take for example setting Top-down business appointments. Weve already decided it would be a benefit to our sales success if we could reduce the time it took to achieve the necessary number of Top-down appointments.

In building an effective learning system to improve your Conversation-to-appointment ratio from the national average of 4-18%, you must first understand why that competency ratio is only 4-18%.

With that in mind, heres what I know to be true:

1. We dont seek to first (Before we pick up the telephone) understand the Prospects internal business objectives parallel to our solutions offering, then model our appointment approach around it

2. We settle for a business level of contact that has no direct fiscal authority

3. We sell our product/service instead of selling the diagnostic steps in our Evaluation Process

4. We fail to develop an effective Call to Action; strategic words and phrases that create a positive 'visual' reference to the Prospect of what happens during the initial appointment and how long it takes

5. We dont support our Call to Action with 3rd party valuators parallel to the Prospects business objectives; valuators like business statistics, appointment performance ratios, ROI figures and relevant success stories

6. We fail to document all possible Objections and develop Powerful communication templates to negotiate 3rd Solutions

These (6) Heres What I Know to be True factors are where you should begin your sales prospecting and sales performance improvement journey, because the definition of insanity is doing the same old thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

In Part 3 of How to Double Your Sales Appointments in Half the Time, we will take an in depth look at these 6 failure factors and flip them 180% into individual powerful routines to effectively set more Top-down business appointments in less time.

Jeff Hardesty is a National sales speaker, Sales performance improvement consultant and the Developer of the X2 Sales System, a blended sales prospecting training system that teaches sales professionals the competency of setting targeted C-level business appointments. Ariel Blog69415
Alejandrina Blog52333

Dont Let Your First Year Ruin Your Chances Of Success

Have you heard how difficult college can be the first year? Transitioning from high school to college is no walk in the park. Many students move out of their comfy, safe homes to tackle life as an adult for the very first time, causing students to struggle under the pressure. Balancing part-time jobs, club activities, sporting events, socializing, and course work can be daunting, but it doesnt have to be.

Contrary to what your classmates say, the key to succeeding in college is not networking, joining as many social clubs as you can, or attending every party on campus. The key to succeeding in college is hard workplain and simple. And to help you succeed, weve come up with a few simple tips to make the transition from high school student to college student easier:

1. Purchase a portable file cabinet. In your file cabinet, keep important documents in hanging folders. Documents like: school transcripts, college acceptance letters, letters of recommendations, resumes, scholarship information, bills by name, emergency contact numbers, and your social security card.

2. Purchase a planner. While it may seem dorky to carry a planner with you everywhere you go, its a great way to make sure you dont over-commit yourself. Pencil in extra-curricular activities, but PEN in school and job obligations. While you can cancel extra-curricular activities, or arrange them to fit your schedule, classes, test dates, and work days cannot be altered. And to help remind of those important test dates, highlight the dates with a yellow marker.

3. Set realistic goals. One reason some college students dont succeed the first year is because they do not take the time to set realistic goals. In your minds eye, you are Superman and can accomplish anything you set your mind to, even if it means juggling two important obligations on the same day, at the same time. But real life isnt a movie. You cannot be in two places at the same time, nor can you complete a three hour project in only 30 minutes. Know your goals. Understand them, break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks, then schedule specific dates and times on your calendar to complete those tasks.

4. Find a study partner. Difficult classes should never be taken without the help of a study partner. Study partners are great for bouncing ideas off, keeping you accountable when youd rather flake on a difficult subject, and even encourage you to seek a tutor. They also make planning regular study sessions fun!

5. Visit your student advisor or counselor. Student counselors are available to help make your transition painless. They can provide a list of resources for scholarships and grants, make sure you stay on track academically, provide a list of tutors, and even offer advice on personal subject matters that may be causing havoc in your school life.

6. Keep your space clean and organized. When your living space is clean, your soul feels relaxed and youre more apt to study than run away. An organized space will also save you from missing important deadlines and keep you from spending hours searching for your latest college assignment.

7. Have fun. All work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy, but when you dont take the time to have a little fun, your work and study schedule can feel burdensome which can hurt your study habits and test scores.

Finally, take care of your health by making time for exercising, getting plenty of rest, and eating healthy foods.

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Ailyn Blog78658
Blinny Blog62343

You Just Dont Need Fitness Equipment in the Office

When you want to add fitness equipment in the office, you need a way to fit it into your space. Many offices seem smaller due to more employees, while other companies just don't own a large enough space. If you want to continue to add fitness to your life, you need to be creative about what kinds of fitness equipment you can bring, but you also need to learn about ways to forgo fitness equipment in the office altogether. Sometimes, all you need is your own body weight and fitness goal.

If you like to have actual fitness equipment in the office, you can do a few things. One, you might want to replace your office chair with a balance ball. This will help you work your core muscles all day as well as take any additional pressure off your back and neck. You can also use it during your lunch hour for exercise or as a stress reliever when you're under a lot of pressure. You can also fit resistance bands into your desk quite easily and pull them out whenever you need the extra exercise boost.

If you don't want to have fitness equipment in the office, but still want to exercise, you need to look at your surrounding for inspiration. A normal chair is a great supporting point for leg lifts and glute lifts. You can also do squats into your chair, quickly coming up as soon as you touch the seat. You can find heavy office supplies and equipment to lift for resistance or you can flex your muscles in order to increase your tone. Right now, you can pull your abdominal muscles in tightly and see how long you can leave them in that position. Try to repeat this as often as you can.

In order to get a good workout without fitness equipment in the office, you need to look for opportunities to move. This might mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator, volunteering to walk places when you need to run errands, and parking your car as far away as you can. While each of these steps seems insignificant, they add up to more calories burned over the course of the day. Your body can reap benefits in these shorter exercise stints you really don't have to run five miles a day to be in shape.

If you don't have fitness equipment in the office, that doesn't mean that you're doomed to a life of being out of shape. You can bring a stability ball or resistance bands into work with you or simply see everything you do as a possibility for getting into better shape.

Machelle Lee owns and operates, The Invisible Gym in Santa Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you can visit her website. Blog65224
Brook Blog94954

Overcoming Business Process Challenges Of Insurance Industry


The stiff competitive landscape of Property and Casualty insurance companies has led them to deeply analyze their existing data they can transform into meaningful information. The information can turn into knowledge and knowledge into actionable plans. P&C carriers realize that this data which is lying in diverse systems throughout their enterprise can play an important role in the entire insurance value chain.

Unlike other industries that produces new finished products, the raw material and finished product for insurance companies are one and the same information. A printed insurance policy is merely a representation of a pure information transaction even though with major financial implications. Because the industry is completely information based, and information has historically been recorded on paper, terminology like holding paper or writing policies is still common today.

A large number of P&C carriers are ignorant of the enterprise-wide management of all the content received from clients, agents, and supplierswhether by paper, fax, email, telephone, audio, video or the Internet. Even if the company has determined how to manage the information on their disparate legacy systems, much of the processing of this information is subject to manual intervention and interpretation. Delays in processing can increase the likelihood of litigation, decrease the opportunity to settle and cause an increase in waiting costs such as the storage and loss of control of a repair facility.

The objective of the whitepaper is to address the top challenges insurance companies face today and how a document centric business process management solution can streamline the existing process followed by the insurance companies.


P&C Insurance companies are realizing that the data captured in documents can play an important role in the entire insurance value chain. The data along with documents needs to be moved from different business systems to a Document Management System for easy storage, indexing and retrieval process. The task can be difficult because the data is embedded in a assortment of heterogeneous forms and exists in numerous formats. A data quality regimen that helps guarantee the quality of data as it passes through all the components of data validation is critical.

In order for insurance carriers to get the status of what is in their documents sets and determine whether these sets really display the characteristics that should be included, a process termed as data profiling must be employed. Data profiling is an analytic process that has the sole objective of sifting through data for the purpose of developing a thorough understanding of the content, structure and quality of data.

Poor quality of data adversely affects the business operations. It can impede the internal business processes that occur within an organization and the external process that take place between business and its customers. Taking a closer look at what constitutes data quality, it can be defined as the process of standardizing, correcting and verifying the data.

FineDocs Solution

Insurance companies obligation to policyholders not only includes providing the best possible coverage and service but also running its business efficiently to keep operating costs low and favorable impact rates. FineDocs Enterprise Document Management software provides capabilities such as document imaging, archiving, indexing along with automated business process flow engine, which improves productivity, customer service, disaster recovery and process integrity while holding the line on operational and manpower costs.

In the past, a policy holder would call an agent about a policy or invoice, but they wouldnt have the file. They would have to search for that particular file by either keeping the customer on hold or had to call back the customer to answer queries doubling the cost of doing business.

Companies have realized the fact that having stacks of papers and retrieving files is a cumbersome process. They also recognize that Document Management in collaboration with a business process rules engine would improve customer services.

Comprehensive: FineDocs features document scanning, document archiving, indexing, storage, annotate, email, along with a business process management engine. The state of art technology combines elements of workflow, business rules, enterprise application integration and document management to improve the efficiency of such insurance processes such as customer service and claims processing.

Collaborative: BPM along with DMS solution can potentially give insurers the ability to orchestrate and monitor every level of human interaction with the core systems. FineDocs understands the unique needs of the insurance services industry and how they can better succeed with efficient process execution. FineDocs proven, enterprise-level business process management platform is the foundation that enables companies to design and deploy processes that increase output and manage resources in an effective manner.

Process Orientation: Insurance companies would like to see all the resources human and material are properly controlled, coordinated and effectively utilized. They need to constantly review business processes and reinvent strategies to lower loss ratio. Investing in FineDocs would enable them to be flexible to adapt to changing business requirements. They would be able to realign processes quickly to take advantage of opportunities that come about with changes in market conditions. By automating business processes the P&C carriers can automate the activities related to different processes which will save a lot of time that is otherwise spent on manually initiating tasks that constitute a process, communicating the required policy information, collecting meaningful data and compiling useful reports. In addition, the automated processes will record all related activities, providing organizations with the ability to track and audit processes.

Robust Architecture: The FineDocs solution leverages Skelta BPM.Net Architecture to manage the most demanding content challenges, the most complex business processes and integration of existing systems within property and casualty insurance companies. It provides dynamic reports with historical and real-time data to monitor and analyze processes. the FineDocs solution integrates Skelta Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) and provides an insight how IT events at workflow engine level will affect progress of high-level business transactions.

Deployment Free: Pyramid understands that insurance companies are not technically savvy and thus has made FineDocs solution deployment free. Users can simply login to the FineDocs server, hosted within or outside the organization and start working on the software over a secured protocol.

User Friendly: Easy interface to Microsoft technology such as office and outlook makes it easier for the business users as they do not need to learn any rocket science technology.

Visit FineDocs at

Dave Chatterjee has extensive experience of functioning in diversified environments offering leadership qualities coupled with communication, resentation and management skills. Technically sound, he offers hands on experience in product launch, corporate relations, chasing aggressive sales targets, building business alliances and personal experience in closing deals in the global market. Anny Blog84185
Becki Blog51914

Smart Boards In The Classroom

The last couple of years have seen the introduction of (almost) affordable LCD projectors and interactive white boards, namely smart boards, into schools and colleges throughout the United States. While most schools have embraced this technology and the new teaching opportunities it affords, some, especially special schools have had difficulty coming up with ways to use it with their students. This article describes some of the ways we have used our smart board and LCD projector with our SLD and PMLD students.

Smart boards can be used anywhere with video cameras or players and will happily connect to any computer providing the software has been installed. Most smart boards can be fitted to a moveable stand enabling you to push it wherever it is needed in school (and allowing access to kids in wheel chairs!). Tape the cables to the floor using gaffer tape so no one can trip over them and teach the kids how to load the software and calibrate the screen getting them to count the points as they touch them.

Interactive whiteboards add a whole new dimension to the use of art software. Freed from the cognitive load of having to use the mouse, kids creativity runs wild. Children who would struggle to make even the simplest of pictures with a mouse, confidently choose colors and tools and produce quite complex patterns and pictures with hands and fingers.

A smart board and LDC projector provide opportunities for students to access technology in a highly motivating way. It is our experience after using the equipment for over a year that kids learn quicker and retain more of the lesson when they have used the whiteboard. Start your lesson with a turn taking session on the board then let them loose on the computer and see for yourself how much they have remembered!

Hamzah Tariq is Business Analyst at specializing in interactive whiteboard technology.Amara Blog39715
Aarika Blog6160

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